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Lodge Chief

Dylan Blackmon is an Eagle Scout from Troop 220 in Fort Mill, SC. She has been in Scouts for 5 years and in the OA for 3 1/2 years. She went through her Ordeal fall of 2020 and her Brotherhood spring of 2021 and was the secretary for the lodge in 2022, now she is the current Lodge Chief

See you at an event!

Creighton Taylor

Lodge Advisor

Coming Soon



Lodge Staff Advisor

Taylor Thomas is a native of Chester, SC. After graduating from Union County High School, he attended Wofford College where he earned the B.A. in Business Economics. Thomas began working with the Palmetto Council in April of 2013 as a York District Executive. Prior to joining our staff, Thomas was a very active Scouter. As a youth participant, he earned his Eagle Scout with Troop 45. He was also a very active brother in the Skyuka Lodge 270, Order of the Arrow (OA). Thomas held various leadership positions in the OA including two terms as Lodge Chief and one term as the Southern Region Section 5 Training Coordinator. Thomas was recognized by Skyuka Lodge as a Vigil Honor member, Founder’s Award recipient, Indian on the Mountain Award recipient, and Centurion Award recipient.

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